How To Stop My Cat’s Litter Tray From Smelling

March 10, 2021 4 min read

How To Stop My Cat’s Litter Tray From Smelling

It’s not our kitty’s fault that they haven’t evolved to use the porcelain throne like we have, which means when it’s time for them to go, they can create quite the stink!

If you think it’s bad for you—remember our furry friends have a much stronger sense of smell than we do!

Don’t worry!

There are many things you can do to keep litter odor to a minimum in your home.

Scoop daily and change often

 It may seem obvious, but many people don’t realize they should be scooping out kitty droppings every day to maintain a clean litter tray.

You wouldn’t want to leave your poop in the toilet—so what makes you think your cat wants to go through a plopstacle course every time they need to use the loo?

Many litter trays come with their own scoop and scoop holders to make taking care of your kitty’s business much easier.

        You should clean out the old litter each week and replace it with 3-4 inches of new litter to keep on top of your kitty’s toilet habits.

You should also give the litter box a thorough clean every month to keep it smelling fresh.


Put the box in a less frequented room


Another easy solution to combat that unwanted stench of soiled litter, is to keep the cat’s loo in the least-used room of the house.

This might be easier for those who have a larger home with an office, laundry room or spare bedroom, where you can keep the litter tray completely out of the way.

For those in smaller spaces, you may choose to keep the tray in the bathroom or hallway.

A room with good ventilation is also ideal as this will help to air out some of those nasty smells.


Use an enclosed litter box

If you don’t have an entire room that you can dedicate to your furbaby’s toilet habits, then consider an enclosed litter box.

An enclosed box is designed to keep the stink inside the box itself and minimize the smell in any room.

If your cat is anything like mine, then they love to dig for treasure in their litter box and make little sandcastles outside of the tray.

Having an enclosed tray will help to keep the mess inside the box where it belongs!

There are lots of different design options for enclosed boxes, so if you’re the type of person who cares about the Feng Shui of the room, then you might want to choose a style that accents the rest of your furniture.



Try litter deodorizers

Another easy way to reduce that nasty stench is to use litter deodorizers.

You should always do your research when looking into deodorizers and make sure they are safe for your cat.

We recommend using baking soda or activated charcoal as a natural solution with a neutral smell, that won’t irritate your little furball!

Sprinkle some on the tray before scooping in fresh litter and you should notice the tray smelling fresher for longer.


Use a tray with a litter catcher

There’s nothing worse than discovering a trail of kitty litter paw prints around your home!

This is especially bad if you have carpet which absorbs the smell of cat urine and can be difficult to clean!

Luckily, some trays are built with litter catchers which acts as a little doormat for your kitty’s paws and helps to shake off any mess before your inquisitive kitty starts rolling around in your Egyptian cotton sheets with their pee-soaked paws.



Change the brand of litter

Not every brand of litter is suited for every cat and some help to absorb smells more than others.

Whilst some litter brands are made with scents to help mask nasty smells, many vets advise against this as they can be irritable to your cat and may even put them off using the tray!

I’ve found that non-clumping odorless litter with a sprinkle of baking soda works great to keep smells at bay and my kitty seems to like this too!

It’s a good idea to experiment with different brands and ask your local pet store if they have samples you can try out first to see what suits your fussy feline!


Consider your cat’s diet

If your kitty’s waste is particularly pongy then you should consider their diet and speak to your vet about some alternative options.

Sometimes very smelly litter can be a sign of illness, so it’s always better to get your furball checked out if you notice any changes to their feces.

High-protein diets are known to make your cat’s toilet much stinkier, so if you have a healthy adult cat, it might be worth looking into a brand less high in protein.

Some cat food also has an indoor cat option which helps to reduce the smell of kitty droppings too!

You shouldn’t have to spend your time at home with pegs pinched to your nose, apologizing to any daring visitor for the constant aroma of cat urine and stinky stools.

Give our tried-and-tested methods a go and keep your cat’s litter box smelling fresher for longer, making your home a happy place for you and your puss!

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