How to Cat-Proof Your House

September 17, 2022 6 min read

How to Cat-Proof Your House

Being a cat owner is being accustomed to living around these curious creatures who like to explore their surroundings. This can often lead to them getting into mischief; in some cases, it can even be dangerous. That's when we realize it's worthwhile to consider "cat-proofing" the house to help prevent accidents with our new pets and to keep our valuables safe. Many of us have heard the proverb, "curiosity killed the cat." There is some truth to the statement: kittens are the worst offenders.

A cat can make a home feel more like home. Having a cat around us adds texture and color to the house through fun toys and furniture. But living with a cat requires much more to ensure their safety and health. One of the best ways to do this is by providing a cat-friendly home.

When considering potential cat hazards, we should think on a "cat level," remembering that they are tiny, elegant, and have extremely sensitive noses. So they will investigate all regions of the house, high and low.

The Need for Cat-proofing Our House

Once we look at our cats, it becomes pretty evident why all people find cats appealing. Their cute, furry little faces, beautiful eyes, and pleasant temperament just can't be hated by anyone. And already having a cat makes it even harder to say no to adopting another.

This creates a herd in our home, but what makes cats such wonderful pets is also their biggest problem. They treat almost every household item as if it is a toy or something to chew through. We love our cats and want them to live for years without getting hurt. For that, we need to cat-proof every room in our house. And that's why, when adopting a cat, we should ensure our home is not just welcoming but safe and healthy too.

It doesn't end with buying a litter box and a few treats. We often ignore simple household objects, which can cause danger to our kitty – that's why we must cat-proof every room in our house.

In this blog post, we'll share a few tips on cat-proofing the house so that we can rest easy, knowing our cat is safe and sound.

Best Practices To Cat-proof The House

No human food around

Best Practices To Cat-proof The House

Toxins are everywhere. The cat's body has a tough time eliminating toxins and remains in the system for a long time. In past centuries, food items weren't marked with expiration dates. Our predecessor cat owners had to learn about the dangers of human foods for their pets through trial and error.

Chocolate is toxic to cats, but even foods we humans eat (even the ones that we drool over) may be harmful to pets if fed in large amounts. Food items like onion, garlic, raw meat, eggs, and fish can cause hazards to our meowing friend.

Some people ask whether it's okay to give small amounts of chocolate to their pet - the answer is that there is no safe amount of chocolatey food or treats for dogs or cats.

Even one treat containing a small amount of chocolate can cause an illness or some severe disorders in our pets. Keep that purring friend safe and ensure our cats are not exposed to poisonous items.

A scratch post is must

Cats have no problem with our furniture; they're just not getting what they need from it. Scratching is a natural behavior that is intuitive for a cat and can be encouraged, so long as we provide the right place and scent to scratch.

scratchpad for cats

We should buy a scratch post for our cat. But sometimes, the cost and space might be an issue. In that case, using some old carpet from a garage sale, or better yet, asking a local carpeting business if they can give us any scraps, can help save our furniture from the cats.

It is important to consider different scratch posts for different rooms of the house. Having that scratch space makes our cats happier, especially if it's an indoor pet.

Securing wires and cords

securing wires for cats

We often find tangled cables and wires prominent features in our homes. Generally, we find them left on tables, by the TV, and even by the window sill.

Cutting and biting wires is not the only way our cats can make a mess at home. The problem with this is that they can become tangled while playing with them, or, worse still, they could get caught the wrong way and accidentally strangle themselves.

Accidents happen, even to the most careful of felines. Awareness of our cat's hunting instincts comes in handy to handle the havoc they could create in our home.

If you don't need wired gadgets then we should get rid of them and switch to wireless. Or our gadgets should be hardwired. Although costly, we can eliminate the need for lamps in some rooms by installing wall sconces and pot lights.

Covering these lamps is important though. Split loom tubing is available at hardware stores. 

Also read: How to Get Your Cats Used to a New Kitten

House plants should be out of reach

house plants and cats

House plants are an excellent addition to our home. But for cats, they can be the stuff of nightmares. There is a potential risk of cats being poisoned by houseplants, so it is wise to remove any toxic plants and replace them with cat-friendly alternatives.

Cats lack the enzymes required to break down some toxins in certain plant-based extracts. After ingestion, cats may vomit, lose their appetite, and become depressed.

It is upon us to research and find out if the cute plant vase is harmful before placing it within the reach of our playful kitty.

Moving breakables/fragile items

fragile items and cats

We know that toddlers aren't always the most amazing little things. They come in-between and end up wrecking and breaking objects in their fuss.

Cats are similar; cats and toddlers are full of energy, have a relatively short attention span, and don't realize the dangers of their actions.

Watching our cats climbing on top of windowsills and knocking items off high shelves can make us laugh. It's cute, but can be dangerous if the nearby objects fall and break, causing unnecessary injuries.

Ensuring a closed trash can

trash can and cats

We can't allow our cats practice their naughty and sneaky habits. Covering a trash can with a secure lid will ensure that the chance of finding rubbish on the floor is reduced. Not only that, but our feline will thank us for providing them with nutritious morsels!

It is important to for us to use trash cans with a secure, fastening lid, when we have cats at home. We should ensure closing the lid after scraping the remnants away. Even if nothing unsafe is in there, it's always possible to find ourselves picking up a can load of trash from the floor when our cat knocks it over.

Laundry should not be unattended

laundry and cats

Cats are famous for squeezing themselves into small spaces. Washers and dryers, freezers, dishwashers, televisions, chairs, and even picture frames pose a real danger to the kitten.

The washing machine usually carries our scent, and cats enjoy the smell of filthy laundry. Thus, before using our washing machine, we must check it properly to ensure our cat is not hiding inside.

Hiding the cleaners and toxins

cleaning agents and cats

We use a lot of chemicals for cleaning our house, cars, appliances, etc. Many of these chemicals are toxic and harmful to our health. Therefore, they need to be kept in proper places.

Similarly, we should keep all dangerous chemicals and cleaners hidden away from the curious paws of our feline friend. It is worth searching for a pet-friendly cleaner with no risky chemicals or alcohol.


While the list will likely differ for each home with a different cat, we must cat-proof our house before welcoming a feline friend, because a cute ball of fur is about to walk into our lives and make them better in more ways than we can imagine.

However, first, we got some work to do! Just like when we child-proof our home before bringing a baby home, 'cat-proofing' is essential before bringing a cat into the fold. Cat-proofing the house allows our meowy friend to explore the world around them in an environment free of danger and destruction.

Choosing the best cat litter and scratching post will help avoid unfortunate accidents. But we must not forget to look at each and every object around the house that could be dangerous.

Following the simple tips mentioned above, we can ensure that our home is kitty-proof and our cat remains safe from untoward incidents!

Check out next: How to Litter Train a Kitten?

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