Plants That Are Toxic For Cats To Eat

September 17, 2022 6 min read

Plants toxic for cats

Cats are adorable creatures, but there's no denying that petting a cat may include some downsides. One of the downsides many cat owners endure is having unfriendly plants in their house or backyard. Although some plants are secure for cats to eat (and play with), others pose a danger when eaten.

Cats are curious creatures who often climb, jump, and explore any location they please. When given a chance, they will investigate their surroundings and try to discover further about their environment. However, since being predators, they swallow plants and blossoms that are deadly to them. Therefore, leaving them in your house or yard unsupervised is not advisable.

Cats should avoid eating some plants that are not good for them. While some plants may be toxic to our cats, we must know the plants to choose for our house if we have petted a cat.

Plants That Are Toxic To Cats

Nowadays, cat owners have become more aware of their surroundings and know that plants contain toxins that can be dangerous to their cats. Some plants are toxic to cats, while others are not; it all depends on the component in the plant. 

However, not everyone will die if they eat a poisonous plant. Some plants can make our cats sick and may cause vomiting. Others can cause our lovable little creatures to become lethargic, lose their appetite, and even cause death. So if we want to keep our cat safe from harming itself or other pets, you must read on!

1. Peace Lily

Houseplants are a fantastic way to enhance the residence, but many cats struggle when they come into contact with certain plants. Peace lilies are one of them.

peace lily toxic for cats

They are a popular houseplant choice for their attractive foliage and white blooms. In addition, they are relatively simple to maintain, which makes them appropriate for first-time flower gardeners. However, one of the downsides to this particular flower is that it contains calcium oxalate crystals – an ingredient that could harm cats.

Initial symptoms like drooling, puking, pawing at the face, and foaming may occur when cats consume such components containing plants. The oral cavity, lips, throat, and tongue are all possible targets.

2. Aloe vera

aloe vera toxic for cats

Aloe vera is a widely used plant that we may have in our homes. It proliferates quickly, making it an appealing complement to any yard. However, certain parts of this plant are poisonous to felines and should be avoided by pet owners.

It comprises saponins such as glycosides, anthracene, and anthraquinones. The white latex in real aloe is the poisonous component, not the gelatin in the leaves. However, if the cats consume any saponin-containing plant, it increases the number of secretions and water in their intestinal tract.

3. Pothos

Pothos toxic for cats

Pothos is an attractive houseplant perfect for beginner and expert gardeners. It has several appealing attributes, such as its minimal care requirements and adaptability to various mediums. However, it is considered that Pothos are also toxic to cats due to the presence of insoluble calcium oxalate crystals within the plant.

4. Monstera deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa toxic for cats

Monstera deliciosa, the super-popular tropical houseplant, has become incredibly popular in the last few years. This plant requires little care and flourishes in low-light conditions. However, this plant also contains insoluble calcium oxalates, which may be toxic to our cats if ingested.

5. Sago palms

sago palms toxic for cats

Sago palms are typically used as interior plants in tropical locations, and they're known for their distinct pattern. These plants are a fantastic add-on for any home or office, but you may need to rethink if you have cats.

All portions of the plant are toxic; however, the seeds are the most deadly to cats and are easier for them to swallow. Therefore, even consuming a small amount of the plant might have disastrous consequences.

Cycasin, once finished, begins to destroy the cat's intercellular tissues. In large quantities, these substances can harm their liver cells as well.

6. Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia toxic for cats

Another attractive plant, Dieffenbachias, is beautiful and easy to take care of. However, they also contain toxic substances called calcium oxalate (insoluble), which can cause severe damage if ingested by cats.

7. Devil's ivy

devil's ivy toxic for cats

Devil's ivy, also recognised as golden Pothos, is among the most poisonous plants you can grow in the garden.

This plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate which can result in sickness or even death in cats if they ingest enough. Cats who eat this plant may suffer from swallowing difficulties, vomiting, excessive drooling, irritation in the mouth, throat, nose, and much more.

8. Hydrangea

Hydrangea toxic for cats

Hydrangea blooms are famed for their rich, brilliant beauty, but if a cat swallows one, it might make them sick. This is because it contains a chemical compound called Cyanogenic glycoside, which, when ingested by pets, can cause nausea and vomiting.

Diarrhoea frequently follows; this can be pretty bloody! The common symptoms are perceived within a couple of hours when a cat eats enough hydrangea, making them sick.

Also read: What Food Items Are Poisonous For Cats?

9. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus toxic for cats

Eucalyptus is a popular plant to grow in many homes and gardens. Unfortunately, while it looks like a lovely big shrub, it can be quite poisonous to cats if they eat enough of it. These plants have been linked to feline puking, diarrhoea, and even death.

The main reason is that the leaves contain Eucalyptol, a poisonous substance that can also damage our cat's liver. If the cat consumes enough eucalyptus, it causes them to become sick; they could show their displeasure by drooling, vomiting, or becoming lethargic within 24 hours.

10. Snake plant

snake plant toxic for cats

Snake plants are a common indoor plant that increasingly provides homeowners with a reliable and viable alternative to more traditional houseplants. In addition, they're highly decorative and easy-to-maintain houseplants for decorating homes and offices.

Many people, nevertheless, are unaware that these plants are poisonous to cats. The saponins, a chemical component in the snake plant, can cause severe vomiting and diarrhoea, and even death for cats in some cases.

11. Wisteria

Wisteria toxic for cats

Wisteria is an aromatic plant with quite a history and meaning behind it. The flower itself is quite beautiful, a mixture of white and purple, which can be found growing in several homes worldwide.

However, this lovely plant contains a toxic component that could seriously threaten cats if ingested excessively. If cats eat it, they will develop vomiting, diarrhoea, and even depression due to its poisonous composition (Lectin, wisteria glycoside).

12. Azaleas

Azaleas toxic for cats

Azaleas are commonly grown houseplants and also make for attractive foliage indoors. The plant is beneficial if you search for something cheerful and vibrant to enhance the vibe of a tiny space.

At the same time, they are also poisonous to cats because they contain the toxic chemical known as grayanotoxin, that are hazardous for our feline friends. The grayanotoxin can cause heart failure, vomiting, and diarrhoea in cats who have eaten the plant.

13. Amaryllis

Amaryllis toxic for cats

Amaryllis is an incredible plant enhancing the beauty of any home. They are gorgeous blooms that can be used to create beautiful floral arrangements. The large, luxurious petals make a stunning addition to any flower garden, and cats will love them too!

However, the presence of Lycorine in the flowers of this plant makes them poisonous to cats. As a result, they feel the pain of ingesting the toxin, which causes them to experience a range of symptoms, including nausea, muscle tremors, difficulty in breathing, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

14. English ivy

English ivy toxic for cats

English ivy (Hedera Helix) is another common houseplant found in most homes across the globe. It is beautiful due to its exquisite hanging vines and spiky leaves. However, if you're unaware that this is also a toxic plant for cats, your kitty could become very sick or die after consuming it, since it contains Triterpenoid saponins. So, would you still want to plant them in your house?

Indications To Look Out For

It may be difficult to detect if your cat has consumed a toxic plant at first. Poisoning effects can range from moderate to deadly, based on the amount of plant matter eaten. Even one small part of a plant can have detrimental impacts and affect your cat's organs if ingested.

Learning about the ingested plant and its effects on the body is critical. This can help with diagnosis, but because many plants are irritants, most symptoms will be caused by discomfort or inflammation.

If not addressed immediately, plant toxicants can cause permanent harm and death. The indications may include:

  • Respiratory issues.
  • Diarrhoea
  • Drooling
  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Excessive drinking
  • Repeated urinating
  • Lack of strength
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Vomiting

Bottom Line

Many plants and flowers are toxic to cats. So, when the gardening season rolls around, educating ourselves on which plants our cats may be attracted to and which are harmful to them if ingested is essential. 

If our cats eat a toxic plant, they will not only get sick; they could even die. So always ensure that we have not planted anything poisonous in our house or yard, considering the safety of our cats.

You should also read: Best Plants That Are Safe For Cats To Eat

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